
Greetings from the GMC Guntur News Desk, we are delighted to bring out a news letter bi-monthly with articles encompassing academic, clinical and other achievements of the faculty, staff and students including creative contributions in the fields of sports, art and other endeavours. At this outset we would like to inform that a news letter will be started from January 2023 covering all these aspects. All suggestions and contributions to improve the scope of the forthcoming news letter are welcome.


  1. To provide all the updates and disseminate information on the achievements of all the faculty and students.
  2. To share valuable information about the outstanding services rendered by respective departments.
  3. To make everyone in this institution engaged and informed to boost morale and to keep motivated.

Articles included in the news letter:

  • Case scenarios and reports about rare diseases and procedures performed.
  • Academic achievements of departments such as CMEs, awards received, any initiatives undertaken, any days celebrated with public health importance etc,.
  • Personal contributions in the form of poems, original write-ups, art work, and anything relevant.

Advisory Board

  1. President: Dr. C. Padmavathi Devi , Principal, GMC Guntur.
  2. Vice Presidents: Dr. N.Uma Jyothi, Vice Principal admn, GMC Guntur.
  3. Vice Presidents: Dr. K.Chandra Kala. Vice Principal academic, GMC Guntur.

Editorial Board

  1. Chief Editor: Dr.P.Radha Kumari, Prof, Dept of Community Medicine. 9848487826
  2. Editor: Dr. A.Sita Rama , Prof & HOD, Dept of Community Medicine. 9848225900
  3. Associate Editor: Dr. A. Hani Rajesh, Asst Prof, Dept of Community Medicine. 9985223471
  4. Associate Editor: Dr. K. Vishnu Nandan, Asst Prof, Dept of Community Medicine. 8919193010
  5. Chief Member: Dr. K.Sudhakar, Prof & HOD, Dept of General Medicine.
  6. Chief Member: Dr. S.Raghu, Prof & HOD, Dept of TBCD.
  7. Chief Member: Dr. G.Padma Sree, Prof & HOD, Dept of General Surgery.
  8. Chief Member: Dr. P.Jayanthi, Prof, Dept of OBG.
  9. Chief Member: Dr. Vishnu Mahesh, Prof & HOD, Dept of anesthesia.
  10. Chief Member: Dr. Sumita Sankar, Prof, Dept of plastic surgery.
  11. Chief Member: Dr. Mohan Rao, Prof & HOD, Dept of Dermatology.
  12. Member: Dr. Ramya, Asst Prof, Dept of Pathology.
  13. Member: Dr. Sindhura, Asst Prof, Dept of Pathology.
  14. Member: Dr.Sai Kiran, Asst Prof, Dept of Psychiatry.

Undergraduate Editorial Board

  • Associate Editors: N.Sandesh (2019), U. V Nitish Reddy (2019)
  • Assistant Editors: Ch. Sri Padmini (2019), Gorantla. Bharath(2020)
  • Section Editors: Deepika Indumathi (2020), Sri Sai Sahithi (2020)
  • Secretary: Guntanala. Bharath kumar (2020)

E-mail address to send:

Send your articles, photographs, art, jokes, write ups, queries or suggestions to this mail address by 31th January 2023 which will get published in the first issue to be released on February 2023.

The articles submitted will be scrutinized by the advisory and editorial board and the decision of the Editor will be final while publishing.

Guntur Medical College