
Department of Anatomy - Guntur Medical College - Guntur.


In 1955 september, the department of anatomy was shifted and housed in the present block of Smt.Achanta Rukminamma Memorial building, in the second floor. Museum was there since the establishment of regular anatomy department. It was well equipped with specimens of embryology, osteology and comparative anatomy. On 29th May 1996, Dr. Koka Mahalakshmana Rao, M.S, F.I.C.S and former principal of Guntur Medical College, inaugurated Sir Astley Paston Cooper’s Hall, with 200 seating capacity. The department was headed by Dr.Lazarus, Dr.Sarah Souri, Dr.K.Govinda Menon, Dr.V.Sira Rama Rao, Dr.V. Ramachandra Rao, Dr.G.Hari Rao, Dr.D.Bhaskar Rao, Dr.K.Krupadanam, who were the stalwarts of Anatomy. At present, every year, 200 new students are being admitted. They are being taught regional anatomy dissection, applied anatomy, histology and human genetics as per the teaching schedule.


  • Provision of body donation forms to those who are willing to donate their bodies.
  • Acceptance of donated dead bodies of non MLC cases with consent of relatives (according to hierarchy).
  • Teaching Under Graduate Medical Students, B.Sc. (M.L.T), D.M.L.T
Faculty of Anatomy - Guntur Medical College

  1. Ectopia Cardis

    1. Dr.D.Madhavi, M.D., Assisstant professor, International Journal Of Biomedical Research; Jan 2012

  2. Unilateral Variations In The Branching Pattern Of Right External Carotid Artery,

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, National Journal Of Clinical Anatomy; July 2012

  3. Trifurcation Of Right Femoral Artery

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, International Journal Of Anatomical Variations; Jan 2013

  4. Sub Hepatic Caecum And Appendix

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, National Journal Of Clinical Anatomy; July 2013

Papers Presented by Faculty
  1. Double Origin Of Right Common Carotid Artery, Anomalous Origin Of Right Ascending Pharyngeal Artery, Anomalous Branching Of Right Subclavian Artery

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, 10th APSA, July 2011

  2. Trifurcation Of Right Femoral Artery

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, 11th APSA, July 2012

  3. Bilateral Origin Of Testicular Arteries From Renal Arteries – A Rare Variant – A case Report.

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, 12th APSA, July 2013

  4. Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, 12th APSA, July 2013

Posters Presented by Faculty
  1. Unilateral Variations In The Branching Pattern Of Right External Carotid Artery,

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, 11th APSA, July 2012

  2. Sub Hepatic Caecum And Appendix

    1. Dr.P.Savithri, M.D., I/C Professor and Head of the Department, 11th APSA, July 2012

  3. Ectopia Cardis

    1. Dr.D.Madhavi, M.D., Assisstant professor, 11th APSA, July 2012

Papers Presented by Post Graduates
  1. Tendinous Intersections Of Rectus Abdominis

    1. Dr.D.Sreelekha, 2nd year post graduate, 12th APSA, July 2013

  2. Pressure Effects Of Aberrant Renal Artery

    1. Dr.A.Vijayalakshmi Devi, 2nd year post graduate, 61st NATCON, Nov 2013

  3. Segmental Variations Of Tendinous Intersections Of Rectus Abdominis

    1. Dr.D.Sreelekha, 2nd year post graduate, 61st NATCON, Nov 2013

Posters Presented by Post Graduates
  1. Meckel’s Diverticulum – A case report

    1. Dr.D.Sreelekha, 2nd year post graduate, 61st NATCON, Nov 2013

  2. Variations In The Branching Pattern Of Hepatic Artery

    1. Dr.A.Vijayalakshmi Devi, 2nd year post graduate, 61st NATCON, Nov 2013